Health Benefits Beyond Belief

Reflections on RepairVite

“I had many issues with my digestive system, pain in my intestines, stomach aches (the area from my stomach area and down was not a very happy place) and been suffering with random pain in my body for years, headaches, memory issues, brain fog, fatigue and other issues.

In working with Dr. Rob, he thought these symptoms could have a connection to leaky gut and maybe thyroid issues. He thought I would possibly benefit from the Repairvite program to fix the intestines.

I had a panel of blood tests and filled out a couple of health assessment questionnaires to help Dr. Rob know which route to go. I can’t remember what all he found on those tests, but we decided to start the Repairvite to repair the leaky gut, and then move on to the Clearvite program after to help detoxify the liver & gallbladder. My husband decided to go along with me on this venture to make it easier for me.

We started with the Repairvite program – I am not going to kid you, the first few days were hard! Mostly, because advanced preparation is the key and it is very restrictive, so I had a headache for a couple days – probably detoxing. Once I got the hang of it and had food prepared ahead of time though, it was just good, healthy eating using very basic foods – meat, vegetables, fruits and olive oil.

Never were we hungry – we could eat whenever we wanted. As a matter of fact, the plan encouraged us to eat every two hours to keep blood sugar regulated. We were on the Repairvite program for 2 weeks – at the end of those two weeks, and even though the goal was to fix my digestive system, weight loss came along with it – I had lost about 5 lbs., but my husband had lost 17 lbs!! And he noticed other big changes too – prior to this he had be having acid reflux and was having lots of pain in his body, was often tired. He had been telling me he was afraid he was getting rheumatoid arthritis like his brother – but now his pain was completely gone, no acid reflux and he had so much of his energy back!!

I also had similar success – the digestive issues were considerably better, the pain in my body was so much better, and the fatigue was lifted, I had sustained, even energy all day, headaches gone, brain fog lifted, memory improved a lot, etc.”

Continuing with ClearVite

“We moved on to the Clearvite program. Here we could add beans & rice to our food choices, which helped with adding more variety. We were on this for 3 weeks and continued to feel better and to lose weight. I was down 9 lbs and my husband had lost 25 lbs at this point!!

At the time of writing this, it’s been about 6 weeks since we started the program. We are starting to add foods back in every four days and making notes of which foods we are intolerant of (Dr. Rob will tell you what signs to watch for). We continue to lose weight- I am currently down 10 lbs. and my husband is down 29 lbs. We really think the weight loss means we have some food intolerances and our bodies were inflamed and probably retaining lots of fluid. But most importantly, we feel good!! No more pain, no stomach or intestinal issues, no headaches, we have lots of energy.

We know this is going to be a lifestyle change, but the changes are well worth the health benefits we have gained and want to maintain!! And as much as I feel this is a success story for me, I think it is even more so for my husband. He is extremely happy he decided to go along on this program with me for he surely gained way more health benefits than he ever thought possible when we started!!

Thanks to Dr. Rob & the Valeo staff for all their knowledge and their support through this!”

Terry & Paul S.

Picture of Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller is a former health and wellness coach and avid health-seeker. She graduated from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy and has a master's degree in communication studies. Elizabeth's passion for wellness evolved from her own past struggle with autoimmune disease, which she now is able to manage through diet and lifestyle.