Why You Should Consider a Cleanse

Gut Health Booklet

Biotransformation is a vital metabolic process that takes place within the liver in cells called hepatocytes. You might be thinking… biotransformation? What does that even mean?

Biotransformation is simply a fancy term for taking toxins, metabolites, and other compounds your body has no use for and making them suitable for elimination. This process of detoxification occurs in several phases, each phase with its unique set of responsibilities and accompanying metabolic reactions. Ultimately, the goal is to turn unwanted metabolites into water-soluble products which can be excreted from the body through urine, sweat or bile (feces).

Supporting Your Liver

Being that this process takes place in the liver, it’s very important for the liver to be healthy and functioning optimally. The liver has been estimated to complete at least 500 different known functions. These cellular processes require certain nutrients, cofactors, amino acids, minerals, and vitamins to function optimally.

Of importance in these liver detoxification pathways are cytochrome P450 enzymes. They play a central role in oxidizing steroids, fatty acids, and medications as well as cholesterol and hormone synthesis and breakdown (including estrogen and testosterone). The activity of these enzymes can be inhibited by various  compounds, such as compounds found in food and in the environment.

For example, compounds found in grapefruit inhibit the activity of these enzymes, which is why it is not advised to take some medications with grapefruit juice. Other compounds like alcohol or tobacco smoke negatively impact other enzymes and pathways. The detoxification processes performed by the liver are quite complex in nature and require numerous compounds to optimally occur.

Every single food, medication, beverage, personal care item, and pollutant we come into contact with must be processed by the liver. If the detoxification pathways become compromised or overloaded in any way, symptoms can arise.

Common symptoms of poor biotransformation include:

  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Skin issues
  • Chemical and food intolerances
  • Digestive problems
  • Mood dysregulation
  • Neurological complaints
  • Joint pain

When toxins are unable to be eliminated, they can accumulate in different tissues such as fat and connective tissues, further contributing to the total body burden of toxicants. (Sometimes, this can also lead to the body holding on to more fat simply to store these toxins.) It is imperative to our overall health that we be able to effectively process and eliminate toxins from our body.

The ClearVite Cleanse Program

The ClearVite Cleanse Program, available through Valeo, was specifically designed to help mobilize stored toxins and support the biotransformation pathways necessary to eliminate them from the body in order to support overall health. Patients who participate in the 21-day program report results such as improved cholesterol, more energy, weight loss, clearer skin, better bowel movements, improved brain function, and more.

If you’re interested in learning more about the ClearVite Program, please call our office at 952-949-0676 or email info@valeowc.com.

Starting the ClearVite Program soon? Check out our ClearVite Support Guide with handy recipes, sample meal plan, encouragement and more.

Picture of Kassie Kaas

Kassie Kaas

Dr. Kassie Kaas is a doctor of chiropractic with additional degrees in biochemistry and molecular biology, giving her a deep understanding of the body on a cellular level. Dr. Kassie's advanced training in functional medicine and functional neurology allow her to help her patients find the root cause to hormone imbalance, autoimmune disease, brain fog, concussions, vestibular issues, as well as cognitive decline and other forms of neurodegeneration.