The Valeo Team’s ClearVite Experience

Dr. Rob

“It feels really great to have completed the 3 week ClearVite Cleanse. Overall I have experienced much more energy and improved digestive function. I also lost 8 pounds. I feel like it was a great way to start the new year with a reset and to cut out some inflammatory foods.

I highly recommend following this program if you are looking for decreasing inflammation in your body, improving energy and sleep, and helping to lose 5-10 pounds.”

Dr. Jon

“I honestly haven’t felt better physically in a long time. I’ve dropped 8 pounds without trying and without restricting any calories. I’ve been able to ski as hard as I’d like and look forward to racing the Birkie in 4 weeks. I haven’t had any caffeine but have more energy than I normally do. I am not even sure I will get back on the coffee train next week just yet. I will definitely carry over some habits from the cleanse including preparing foods ahead of time, not skipping breakfast, and no real need for ice cream every night before bed!

A couple tips I found helpful if you’re considering a cleanse.

  • Have your spouse or a friend do it with you
    o Its way easier preparing and sharing meals when you have restrictions
    o Thankfully our family generally eats meals that are allowed under the cleanse so no big adjustments there but Brooke has been very helpful in purchasing and preparing delicious meals
  • Have snack readily available
    o My go to snacks included raw nuts, apples, and carrots with hummus
  • Be prepared for the first few days, probably not going to be fun
    o As you start to detox it’s common to have headaches, muscle soreness, brain fog, and all sorts of weird symptoms. Give it a few days and drink some more water, it should pass. If it doesn’t, come in to see if you’re having a problem with a detoxification pathway.

If you’re considering it, trust me, try the cleanse. It’s great for your overall health and a way to jump start changes you have been meaning to make. Expect to feel better too!”


“I have had several symptoms alleviate over the last 21 days and it just feels good to feel good!

  • I don’t have a weird runny nose/post nasal drip anymore, whereas I always felt like I had to be clearing my throat before (typical food sensitivity symptom that I just grudgingly ignored…)
  • Better bathroom visits 💩😉
  • Clearer skin
  • More energy
  • Better sleep

Overall: it’s great to see that I can see something through when I put my mind to it and was fun to do as a group and have the support of my coworkers. I also came up with a few new meal ideas that I really enjoy and found that my body doesn’t love meat as much as my tastebuds do, so it gives me the knowledge to play around with that and find what works best for me moving forward! I also was able to workout as hard as usual since I didn’t have to restrict calories or cut out carbs.

To sum it all up, I’m ending it feeling healthy, empowered, and optimistic for how to move forward.”

Lori (former front desk staff, now retired)

“I DID IT!!!! My first cleanse ever. Thanks to our whole staff at work for participating in it and encouraging each other along the way.

Would I do a cleanse again… absolutely!

My goal with the cleanse was to eat healthier and be conscious of what I was putting into my body. I truly believe that what you put into your body does have an effect on your overall health.

To be honest with you, the cleanse did have it’s negatives and positive but, the positives outweighed the negatives. All the positives included less inflammation in my hands (which was wonderful), more energy and more alert the last week of the cleanse, learned some AMAZING new healthy recipes to make moving forward, realize I could have a meal of just vegetables and feel full (took some getting use to that 2nd week with no meat), and I feel as though I am more lean.

The biggest negatives were, coming up with a meal plan/prep each day which was stressful, and bowel movement all over the board throughout cleanse.

I truly believe my body is in a better place than it was before I started the cleanse, but there is still room for improvement and I hope to continue to make better choices of what I put into my body moving forward. Anyone who wants to make a lifestyle change, remember ‘YOU CAN DO THIS’ and ‘YOU GOT THIS!'”

Denise (Dr. Rob’s Wife)

“It’s the last day of the cleanse and I am feeling great! It feels good to have completed the program and finish strong! I see myself continuing with a similar diet, but slowly adding in the nightshade vegetables and other meats. I didn’t mind going meatless, so I can see rotating days of no meat into my life. Thanks Valeo, for motivating me to take another step toward health and wellness!”

Picture of Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller is a former health and wellness coach and avid health-seeker. She graduated from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy and has a master's degree in communication studies. Elizabeth's passion for wellness evolved from her own past struggle with autoimmune disease, which she now is able to manage through diet and lifestyle.