Redefining Fine: Creating Optimal Health

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Have people ever looked at you like you’re ridiculous for saying you minimize your use of the microwave? Or roll their eyes when you decline plastic bottles and mention you prefer to use glass or stainless steel instead? Maybe it’s a comment like, “it’s just difficult to know what to have around for you” from a family member or friend.

Those of us who prioritize healthy actions sometimes receive scrutiny from those around us:

“Well, we grew up using plastic bottles, and we turned out fine!” says your aunt with breast cancer.

“We use the microwave for everything, and we are fine!” says your friend with thyroid and fatigue issues.

Is it just me, or do we need to redefine the word ‘fine’? Or at the very least, start using it to mean it’s true definition of “well or healthy: not sick or injured” (Mirriam-Webster). Because if we are going to use ‘fine’ to describe living life with ailments (even ones that have become quite common…. although not normal), then I don’t want to be ‘just fine!’

Stepping Up Your Health Game

If you are like me and don’t want to be ‘just fine,’ there are many ways you can start taking care of your health today that can make an impact for years to come:

Move your body. Movement is key to caring for your health. Whether it’s running, lifting, dancing, biking, yoga, tennis… the options are abundant! Even brief walks after meals can have huge impacts on your blood sugar by increasing insulin sensitivity.

Reduce your exposure to toxins. We’ve put together a whole guide for this! You don’t need to make all the changes at once, even replacing items as your budget and mental capacity allow will take you in the right direction.

Eat plenty of plants and high-quality animal products. If you look at all the “healthiest diets,” you’ll notice something they all have in common: minimally processed foods, and typically meals that consist of lots of plants and moderate amounts of fish, chicken, turkey, eggs, and/or grass-fed beef. Eating seasonally also has benefits.

Consider an occasional cleanse. Avoiding all toxins is impossible. A cleanse once or twice a year can help support your liver to detoxify what’s snuck past your defenses. We love the Clearvite Cleanse and encourage our own staff to participate at least once a year because of it’s great benefits.

Take quality multivitamins. It’s hard to get all the nutrients our bodies need, even when we are eating healthfully. A few of our favorites are Optimal Multivitamin, Optimal Man, and Optimal Prenatal.

Check in on your health yearly with a prevention-focused yearly physical. Physicals at Valeo are focused on catching issues early on to support your long-term health. Pairing it with a detailed blood panel can provide in-depth information about nutrient deficiencies, thyroid health, heart health, and more.

Need Help?

Do you need help knowing where to begin, or feeling like there’s a deeper issue with your health?

Call our office at 952-949-0676 to learn how a functional medicine appointment may be the answer.

Picture of Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller is a former health and wellness coach and avid health-seeker. She graduated from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy and has a master's degree in communication studies. Elizabeth's passion for wellness evolved from her own past struggle with autoimmune disease, which she now is able to manage through diet and lifestyle.