Can Walking Really Do All This?

walking shoes going up stairs

Staying healthy doesn’t always seem like a walk in the park… but it turns out a walk in the park really does help you stay healthy – as long as it’s done consistently. The current recommendation is to get 10,000 steps (equivalent to 5 miles) each day. For someone with a job that keeps them moving (like a chiropractor who is always on their feet, a teacher who is moving around the classroom, or someone in a physically demanding job like construction) it isn’t hard to reach those five miles per day. But for those of us with more sedentary jobs, it takes a bit more planning and mindfulness to get in all those daily steps. The results, however, are well worth it!

Walking is a very over-looked form of exercise. When most people hear exercise they think of running, the gym, lifting weights, or other vigorous activities. But this low-impact form of movement is still full of benefits.

*Studies show that taking a 15-minute walk three times a day after meals had a significant impact on blood sugar.

When you take a step back and look at all the benefits that walking provides, it’s no wonder we’re encouraged to achieve those 10,000 steps per day!

How Can I Increase My Steps When my Job is Sedentary?

That may sound like a lot, but it includes ALL your daily steps, from the bedroom to the kitchen, your car to your office, the living room to bed and everything in between.

  • Park far away
  • Walk instead of drive
  • Take the stairs
  • Take the long way to your destination (for example, if you need to go to the bathroom, take a loop around the office or house first)
  • Go on a brief (10-15 minute) walk after lunch or during one of your breaks
  • Multi-task! Can you turn that meeting into a walking meeting? Or catch up with a friend while you’re on the move? Tire the kiddos out with a walk to the park?
  • Clean the house
  • Do yard work
  • Invite a coworker to a step challenge
  • Replace coffee dates or patio outings with a hike

What Happens if I Still Can’t Achieve 10,000 Steps?

Life isn’t always conducive to walking. There will be days when you can’t get a full 10,000 steps. Just remember that doing some walking is still better than doing no walking. Replace your evening show with a walk listening to your favorite podcast, go for a quick 10-minute walk before work, on your lunch, or between meetings. Fitting in a short and brisk walk may even be good for your productivity as it gets your blood flowing and helps clear your mind.

If doing all those things still doesn’t get you to 10,000 steps, you can still breathe easier knowing that you’re getting more benefits than had you foregone the movement completely! Set a goal that is attainable for you, and revisit it every so often to see if you can increase it by just a little bit more each time.

Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller is a former health and wellness coach and avid health-seeker. She graduated from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy and has a master's degree in communication studies. Elizabeth's passion for wellness evolved from her own past struggle with autoimmune disease, which she now is able to manage through diet and lifestyle.