You Don’t Need To Change! (Or Do You?)

We are living in some strange times. Political correctness, safe spaces, trigger warnings, etc. While we don’t want to walk around trampling over people, their rights and their feelings; telling the truth, expressing your opinion, and sharing ideas is absolutely critical for a society. It is also critical in our personal lives.

People are now being told that you are good enough, you are perfect just the way you are, don’t let people tell you that you need to change. 

We don’t want to shame people or trample all over them but, if we are all being truthful, all of us need to change. None of us are perfect just the way we are. We all have areas in our lives where we need to improve. While you can be okay with where you are in life, you should never settle for staying there.

Now Get to Work

Everyone has been waiting for January 1, 2021, because 2020 has been a year most people want to forget. While it has been a hard year, I would say that years like this past one make us stronger … but only if we let them. Just think of all the incredible innovation that has come out of this year. Companies have pivoted and people have adapted. But unfortunately, with this adapting, a lot of us slipped into some poor health habits.

So, it might be hard to hear, but chances are that you are NOT good just where you are. It is time to get to work and change this! Why?! Because your life depends on it. There are people depending on you. You have gifts that the world needs. As health care practitioners, we cannot sit idly by without speaking up about the importance of good health. As Christians, we cannot sit idly by without spreading the Word and caring for our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Where Do I Start?

We all have times where we have let our health slip. We let foods in that we shouldn’t, we don’t exercise when we know we should, we spend too much time binge watching shows, etc.  

One of the greatest tools I have used to get back into healthy living is to do a full body cleanse. The reason I choose a cleanse is that it is a great reset — you clean up your diet and get rid of the toxins that have accumulated. 

Now, the people saying “you don’t need to change” have said that cleanses and detoxes are “garbage” and you shouldn’t listen to people who promote them. We agree that SOME cleanses and detoxes are dangerous to your health. But, programs that are reputable and use safe products can have huge benefits to your health. Keep reading to learn why these reputable detoxes are indeed necessary for most people!

A Chemical-Filled World

There are over 80,000 new chemicals in our world that did not exist 100 years ago. Many of them have never even been tested on people to see if they are safe. Most of them have never been tested in conjunction with each other.

For example, aspartame is a new chemical introduced into our food source. Plastic is another compound that is new within the last 100 years. Both have been tested on people and both have shown that they could have negative affects on our health. What about the two together, like we see in diet pop? Do they amplify the negative effects? Do they cancel each other out?  Who knows? Very few studies are done looking at multiple chemicals together. 

Toxins Stored in Fat Cells

Our body uses the liver to get rid of toxins but what happens when there are too many toxins? Or if we have a sluggish liver? What do we do with all those toxins? We have to put them someplace where they will cause the least damage. Fat cells are the best place.

What does that mean for trying to lose weight? It means that if your fat cells are full of toxins, the last thing your body wants to do is shrink fat cells in size. This would cause toxins to be released into your body.

This means that toxins can cause us to get and stay fat. The solution? Get those toxins out of your body.

But I Felt Worse

If you have ever had a friend do a cleanse or maybe you yourself have done one, there are a few common undesirable outcomes.

Some people will feel worse while doing the cleanse. This is due to toxins being pulled out of tissue, but the person is not able to get the toxin out of the body.  

A good cleanse needs to support the liver and the gut. This is important because this is what our bodies use to clear the toxins out of our body.

Some people will feel no change at all. They don’t feel better, they don’t feel worse. They don’t lose weight and they feel ripped off.  This is because the person’s body does not want to allow those toxins out of the fat cells. The body knows it can’t handle them. Therefore, nothing changes.

With both of these scenarios, it can be frustrating! I would encourage you to not give up. There are a few options. One would be to make sure you have a good cleanse that does support the liver (more on this in a bit).

The other is that you probably need additional help. There can be underlying health issues that are hindering you. For many of us, we want to be able to fix our health ourselves—and many times we can. But there are times when we cannot. God has gifted us all differently so that we are actually dependent on one another! It is okay to get help when your problem is beyond doing it yourself.

Getting help from a healthcare provider who knows and understands the reasons that you may be struggling is vital. At our office, we have been blessed to have Dr. Rob Lindsey for our patients to work with. He has helped thousands of people regain their health by discovering the underlying reasons they are sick.

It Was Too Hard!

Of course, one scenario that many people (if not most) run into has nothing to do with the cleanse itself but in your own ability to get through it. This, too, is not uncommon and can be frustrating. You set forth a goal, you are excited, you want to make a change, but then life happens and things get in the way.  

We understand this.  It is the reason that many people have lost their health. If asked, most people would say that they want to be healthy. I don’t know too many people who don’t. Why then are so many people unhealthy? It’s hard.

Our encouragement to you is that you are right! It is hard but aren’t all things that are worthy hard?

We can help you get through the hard times. Our health coach Elizabeth can help you to identify the things that you do that sabotage your results and help you to overcome the obstacles that have prevented you from being healthy.

The Best Case

The best outcome of a cleanse is that the toxins move out of the cells, are packaged by the liver and excreted by the digestive system or the kidneys. The person loses weight, feels better, has more energy, less pain, clearer skin, makes more money, the sun shines more often. Okay maybe not the last two but the experience is what they were hoping for. They feel and look better.

I experienced this the very first time I did a cleanse. I lost about 10 lbs, had more energy and discovered a better way of eating for my body.  

Now when I do a cleanse, I always learn something new about my body. I may not always get the same results as the first cleanse, but I am always glad I made the choice to do a cleanse.  

My hope for you is that you would as well!

Apex ClearVite Program

In my own personal health, I think it is important for me to do one or two cleanses per year. This is based on the toxic load we are exposed to. And I would have to say we do a really good job of reducing toxins in our household. We use natural cleaning supplies to clean our home (Norwex cloths, little dry cleaning, no dryer sheets); we eat organic food as much as possible; we use natural personal care supplies (toothpaste, no antiperspirant, natural makeup); and we avoid alcohol — to name a few things that we do.

My wife and I have done many different cleanses over the years. We have found many good ones. Apex’s ClearVite cleanse has been one of my favorites. It is laid out very simply, it supports the liver and gut and cleanses the entire body. It also has a very specific food plan laid out. It is 21 days long which makes it achievable for most people.

Finally, the cost is right. I have seen cleanses that cost over $400. The ClearVite cleanse costs less than $150.

You Need to Change … and Welcome the Change

I have seen thousands of patients over my years in practice. I have never seen health happen by accident. It comes about due to hard work and a realization that a person needs to make a change.  

It also comes with a plan. Without a plan, it is nothing more than a wish.

It happens because the person has discipline and is willing to make sacrifices that give them long-term benefits.

This year with COVID-19 impacting our world we have seen more than ever that our health matters. Not just in that one area either. If we are unhealthy in one area, it will impact our entire body. The best thing we can do is focus on things that will impact your entire body. A body cleanse is something that will impact your entire body.

I won’t lie to you and say it easy … because it is not! But it is worth it if you want better health!

Picture of Aaron Morland

Aaron Morland

Dr. Aaron Morland is a doctor of chiropractic who has spent more than 15 years helping thousands of people regain their health. He has special training in functional neurology and functional medicine, and is certified in the Institute of Functional Medicine's ReCODE protocol.