Get to Know Valeo: Elizabeth Miller, FMCHC

Elizabeth Miller is Director of Operations and Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach at Valeo.

Why did you decide to pursue functional medicine health coaching?

I’ve had a long journey with autoimmune disease, but in 2013 I started seeing Dr. Rob and was introduced to the world of functional medicine. The combination of seeing how much better I felt after improving my diet and lifestyle while also experiencing how difficult it was to make those changes led me to want to help others through their transition into a functional approach to health.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

You’d likely find me working out, spending time with my husband going for walks, playing games (card, yard, and board games), or eating something homemade!

What drew you to work at Valeo?

I had wanted to work at Valeo for a long time! Every time I came into the office, I left feeling better… lighter. I could come in feeling anxious and leave feeling calm, positive, and genuinely cared for. Everyone was so nice and would ask me questions about things I had mentioned in a previous appointment — they remembered what I said not just about my health but about other areas of my life. I also loved that it is a Christ-centered business. When the possibility of me joining the team was eventually mentioned, I went home and cried tears of joy!

What is your favorite thing about working with patients?

I love seeing how each person uses a different combination of God-given strengths to endure and move forward in their health. Many patients who come here are incredibly strong spiritually, which is amazing to see, but there are so many other strengths I see (whether separate or in combination with spirituality), and it’s just so cool to watch patients use what God has given them to help heal their minds and bodies. My favorite is when someone comes in even just once and follows up to say that they incorporated what we talked about and just that one thing already made a big difference in their mindset or health.

If you did not work at Valeo, what job would you choose, even if just for one day?

I’d probably choose to be in theater/acting. I am terrified of performing in front of the public, but I also enjoy it a lot in the end! Especially with theater, you get to connect with your fellow actors so much throughout the rehearsal process. It’s fun to make friends and see people having fun and using their talents.

What is one thing you think is an absolute “must” for good health?

A growth mindset/positive attitude. If you don’t think you can ever get better or your fixed mindset holds you back from trying, you are not going to see results quickly (or as profoundly). A growth mindset and positive attitude make a HUGE difference on so many levels and can affect not just your mind, but your body (physiologically) as well. I think a growth mindset also goes hand in hand with gratitude — which definitely affects health both mentally and physically! If you’re interested, there are tons of great articles about it, but here’s a good one to start with: What Science Reveals About Gratitude’s Impact on the Brain.

What is your favorite Bible verse?

I was such a worrier growing up, and every once in a while I fall back into that habit. My favorite verses to remind myself of is Matthew 6:25-34.

How others see her

Elizabeth’s coworkers describe her as patient, compassionate, strong, and “nerdy but fun.”

Picture of Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller is a former health and wellness coach and avid health-seeker. She graduated from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy and has a master's degree in communication studies. Elizabeth's passion for wellness evolved from her own past struggle with autoimmune disease, which she now is able to manage through diet and lifestyle.