Led to a Better Way

Do you ever feel like you were led somewhere? That it was meant to be? That’s what finding Valeo was like for Diane. “I really think it was the Lord that led me here!” she exclaims. She had heard of Dr. Rob through a friend, and was invited to one of his presentations about weight loss. “She had invited me to go with her to be another set of ears. But during the presentation I kept thinking, ‘I need to go see this guy!’”

Diane was familiar with some of the natural approaches Dr. Rob was talking about in his presentation because her son had seen a naturopath. “Even though I was familiar with some of it, I just had this feeling that I had to get into Valeo to see him. I didn’t have anything major that I was dealing with health-wise, just a few ‘annoying’ things,” says Diane, going on to explain that she had fallen on the ice and her knee had been bothering her since. “I also had a respiratory infection that just wouldn’t go away and was having trouble losing weight, even when doing the ‘right’ things. Ever since having kids, everything I did I would ask myself, ‘is there a better way to do this?’ and what I had done so far wasn’t helping me with the knee, respiratory issues, and weight … and hearing Dr. Rob, it clicked that he had a better way.”

How Does Muscle Testing Fit with Faith?

Although Diane felt called to go to Valeo, she did have a concern that came to mind while listening to Dr. Rob. Luckily, she was able to talk to him one-on-one after his presentation.

“My biggest question was about how his faith and muscle testing aligned. He answered in a way I appreciated and trusted. Looking back, I can’t remember the words he used, but the way he answered it was in line with my faith, too. It was something along the line that God created our body and that this was a way of listening to and respecting the body God created. I signed up for a new patient exam that same day!”

Diane’s Valeo First Visit Experience

We asked Diane what her first visit to Valeo was like. “It was very thorough,” she said thoughtfully. “Much more thorough than anything I had done with any other physician. Dr. Rob looked at my balance, the way my eyes responded to different exercises … so many things! I also did the blood labs and it was the most comprehensive lab work I’d ever had.”

Diane laughed a bit as she recalled her first visit experience with the balance tests. “The results surprised me!,” she chuckled. “When I closed my eyes and marched ‘in place,’ I couldn’t believe I was looking in a completely different direction when I opened my eyes again! I thought I was staying right in place, but I had rotated!” These tests, although very simple and non-intrusive, can give the doctor good information about how the brain is working. In Diane’s case, it showed that something was off and needed to be addressed.

Within the first visit or two, Dr. Rob adjusted Diane’s knee which fixed her knee pain right away. “I also saw weight loss really quickly! Within the first week!,” exclaims Diane. “I just started dropping weight every week and I was feeling more energized overall.”

The underlying infection her body was having a hard time fighting took a little longer, but with Dr. Rob’s protocols eventually cleared up. “I’ve been overall healthier ever since!” exclaims Diane. “Even with the grandkids being sick, I wouldn’t catch what they had, and if I ever did get anything, I got over it much faster. I could tell something was different in my body.” Learn more about functional medicine and the care procedures Diane received.

Holistic Health Care Changed Her Life

Diane’s experience with Valeo’s care changed her life. “The practitioners looked at all of me and dug into the WHY beneath why I hadn’t been getting better. I was surprised (and glad) that both my first visit and following visits looked at spiritual and emotional wellbeing, too,” says Diane. “I’m really glad I went in. It was difficult at times with managing diet and lifestyle that Dr. Rob prescribed, but I also saw Elizabeth, the health coach, to help walk me through those difficult times. “

“I’ve noticed so many changes (on top of what I originally went in for) with my health since starting at Valeo all those years ago. I used to get eczema on hands that would get worse in winter … that improved and doesn’t flare up as severely, or as often, or sometimes even at all. My eyes aren’t as dry as they used to be. I experienced changes in things I had never noticed had been ‘bad’ or thought to fix before. I just realized one day ‘wow, this isn’t here anymore!’”

Diane also says that her energy and flexibility are both improved, and her weight loss has helped her with balance. “It’s so wonderful to have my energy and balance again. I’m not fearful of doing sports like downhill skiing. I can participate in more things and can keep up with my grandkids!” she says.  “I don’t feel like the chronological age that I am!”

I am very grateful for that gut feeling that led me to Valeo.
— Diane

Picture of Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller is a former health and wellness coach and avid health-seeker. She graduated from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy and has a master's degree in communication studies. Elizabeth's passion for wellness evolved from her own past struggle with autoimmune disease, which she now is able to manage through diet and lifestyle.