Get to Know Valeo: Kathy Setten, Front Desk

What do you enjoy doing in your time off?

I love to spend relaxing time with my family, which doesn’t happen as often as it should.  I thoroughly enjoy entertaining family and friends though.  Also, reading, going for walks, crocheting, spending time in quiet prayer

What drew you to work at Valeo?

I needed to get a job and when I saw that Valeo was hiring a part-time employee, I jumped at the chance because of the people who work here and the Christ-centered care that is given. Little did I know that I would be blessed by the amazing patients who walk through the door to receive care. What a community to be surrounded by!

What is your favorite thing about working with patients?

I love meeting new people, hearing their stories, and having the opportunity to privately pray for them. Our patients have such positive and hopeful energy and spirit about them.

What is your favorite thing about working at the front desk?

I love working at the front desk because I get to meet and get to know our amazing patients, serve others, whether that be the practitioners or patients, and work side-by-side with some wonderful ladies.

If you could choose to be anything other than working at Valeo for a day, what would you choose and why?

A painter. I thoroughly enjoy painting, but haven’t taken the time to work this into my life as of late.

What is one thing you think is an absolute “must” for good health?

Good sleep, healing foods, and community with family and friends.

What is your favorite Bible verse?

Psalm 23. When I have been in hopeless or down times in my life it reminds me that God is always walking with me in that season. He will never leave me; he will help me to rest, restore my health within His will and guide me every step of the way.  It helps me to have greater trust in His holy will in my life and to not fear.

Picture of Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller is a former health and wellness coach and avid health-seeker. She graduated from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy and has a master's degree in communication studies. Elizabeth's passion for wellness evolved from her own past struggle with autoimmune disease, which she now is able to manage through diet and lifestyle.