What is Estrogen Dominance?

Upset Woman

Estrogen is a necessary hormone secreted by the ovaries, adrenals and adipose tissue. It plays an important role in numerous aspects of health, including optimal cycle regulation, fertility, and transitioning to menopause.

However, too much circulating estrogen in the body can cause issues. Symptoms of estrogen dominance include:

  • Irregular menstrual periods
  • Fertility issues
  • Bloating
  • Breast swelling and tenderness
  • Fatigue, insomnia
  • Weight gain/inability to lose weight
  • Brain fog, memory loss
  • Headaches
  • Mood swings
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Uterine fibroids/ovarian cysts

Ways to Decrease Estrogen Dominance

Liver detoxification: A liver stressed by alcohol, toxins, drugs, and other environmental products will not be as effective in metabolizing and excreting estrogen when needed.

Increase nutrients: Eat a hormone-balancing diet including fresh fruits and vegetables, clean protein and healthy fats. A nutrient dense meal plan will support detoxification pathways, metabolization, and optimal hormone cycling.

Increase fiber: Estrogen is excreted by the bowel and if stool remains (constipation/infrequent bowel movements), estrogen has the opportunity to be reabsorbed back into circulation.

Exercise: Exercises that support fat loss and increase bone density are optimal. Strength training is a great option which will increase muscle mass and decrease fat tissue that can hold on to and produce extra estrogen.

Decrease stress: Excess amounts of cortisol, insulin and norepinephrine can have a negative impact on the adrenals and overall hormone balance. Practicing self-care and relaxation techniques can decrease these stress hormones.

If you think you may have hormonal imbalance, functional medicine is a great tool to identify and rebalance. Contact us to book a consult with Dr. Kassie, a hormone specialist and functional medicine doctor at Valeo in Eden Prairie.

Picture of Kassie Kaas

Kassie Kaas

Dr. Kassie Kaas is a doctor of chiropractic with additional degrees in biochemistry and molecular biology, giving her a deep understanding of the body on a cellular level. Dr. Kassie's advanced training in functional medicine and functional neurology allow her to help her patients find the root cause to hormone imbalance, autoimmune disease, brain fog, concussions, vestibular issues, as well as cognitive decline and other forms of neurodegeneration.