COVID-19 Best Practices at Valeo Health and Wellness Center

Update, 6/23/20: as our state shifts from a stay-at-home order to dialing back restrictions, Valeo continues to commit to providing the best care possible to our patients. This includes modifying several of the originally-posted actions below. We have amended the processes that are no longer in place with “(discountinued)” and further clarification, where needed.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

We are deemed an Essential Provider, and will remain open during the Stay-at-Home Executive Order.

As such, we’ve implemented various processes and procedures to best support the health and well-being of our patients, community, and staff while navigating the COVID-19 crisis:

  1. Sanitizing tables before and after every patient
  2. Spacing appointments, as needed, to allow for additional time to sanitize between patients (discontinued. If you prefer to visit our office during a quieter time, please check with the front desk to see when the schedule is lightest)
  3. Closing 30 minutes early Monday-Thursday to allow for thorough sanitation of all adjusting rooms, office, lobby, etc. (discontinued. We’ve increased our efficiency with teamwork and no longer need the additional time to clean.)
  4. Reserving the first hour of business Monday-Thursday for our most vulnerable patients, including those who are 65+,  and those with heart, lung, liver, or renal conditions, diabetes, or significantly compromised immune systems. (discontinued. However, we still recommend that those who are more vulnerable still choose our early morning hours as they tend to be lighter. We also provide distance care (virtual visits) for current Neurometabolic Therapy patients)
  5. Washing hands frequently (all staff), and between every patient visit (all practitioners)
  6. Diffusing Guardian essential oil in the lobby (discontinued. We continue to diffuse a variety of essential oils most days, but are rotating our selection.)
  7. Removing toys and stuffed animals from adjusting rooms and common areas
  8. Encouraging staff and patients to take the recommended immune-support supplements outlined here. and to consider whether KappArest or Allicidin might be fitting for them (more information on those supplements here)
  9. Accepting over-the-phone payment and providing curb-side pickup of supplements

We understand that the services we provide are important in keeping our community healthy. Adjustments are a great way to boost the immune system, and there is evidence of adjustments decreasing the death rate during Spanish flu. Therefore, we think it is important that all patients who are able continue to maintain their regular adjustment schedule. Functional Medicine has also shown to support our patients through illnesses.

To allow for us to continue with business as best we can, we also ask our patients to help us create a safe environment during this time by practicing the following:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly (See Dr. Aaron’s hand washing video here) and before entering our office
  2. Social distance (6 feet away from others, whenever possible) and eliminate non-healthcare or sustenance-related excursions
  3. Bring as few people to your appointment as possible
  4. If feeling ill, but have tested negative for COVID-19, attend your regularly scheduled appointment but take extra precautions (e.g. wear a mask)
  5. If you are experiencing a cough, wear a mask and increase social distance. Never cough or sneeze without covering your nose and mouth with your elbow or tissue – NOT your hands.
  6. If you suspect you’ve been exposed to or contracted COVID-19, or are experiencing symptoms related to the virus, call our office at 952-949-0676 to speak with the front desk or one of our practitioners to determine how we can best support your health at this time.
Picture of Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller is a former health and wellness coach and avid health-seeker. She graduated from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy and has a master's degree in communication studies. Elizabeth's passion for wellness evolved from her own past struggle with autoimmune disease, which she now is able to manage through diet and lifestyle.