What Is Torticollis and How Can Chiropractic Help?

We see it in adults. We see it in infants. We see it in all ages in between. Anyone can be affected by it!

Torticollis occurs when your neck muscles get twisted past what is usual, causing the head to tilt, and is sometimes referred to as “wryneck”. Thankfully, chiropractic care is very effective at managing and treating torticollis. If someone in your family can’t turn their neck normally or find it is more comfortable to hold their head in a tilted position, it is time to call Valeo Health and Wellness Center to set up an exam to determine how best to help.

Torticollis in Adults

Symptoms of wryneck vary from person-to-person, but the most apparent sign of the condition is the neck twisting or tilting to one side. When adults develop torticollis, it may develop over time. It might start from having tight muscles in the neck and upper back, after an injury to the area, or even because of a reaction to medication. In our office, some patients have reported “sleeping on it wrong” and then waking up unable to move their neck properly. People may also experience:

  • painful, tense neck muscles
  • neck cramps or burning sensations in the neck
  • an unwillingness to turn or bend their head and neck to the opposite side
  • eyes looking up without control
  • tongue sticking out without control
  • jerky muscle spasms and head/neck movements
  • back pain
  • headaches

Torticollis in Infants

It is not uncommon for newborns to either be born with or develop a form of torticollis. This is usually a result of crowding while in the womb or too much time spent in one position. In infants, the symptoms usually include:

  • tilting of the head to one side
  • flattening on one side of the head behind the ear
  • limited movement in the head and neck
  • features of the face appearing asymmetrical
  • a small, soft lump in the neck
  • breastfed babies favoring one breast over the other
  • musculoskeletal problems, such as hip dysplasia

In both of these situations, it is important to address them as soon as possible to prevent patterns of tightness that could develop into greater challenges or recurring episodes of torticollis. Learn more about chiropractic care for infants — it’s very gentle!

At Valeo Health and Wellness Center, we focus on manipulation of the spine, cranial alignment, and soft tissue therapy. These chiropractic techniques are very effective at bringing about a solution to adult and childhood torticollis, leaving you or your kiddo feeling (and healing!) better. 

Picture of Jon Toftoy

Jon Toftoy

Dr. Jonathan Toftoy is a doctor of chiropractic. Over the past 10 years, he has worked as a private doctor for professional athletes. He has helped weekend warriors achieve personal bests, high school athletes win state titles, grandparents keep up with their grandkids, infants get a head start on their lives, pregnant women through healthy pregnancies, and everyone in between.