Regaining Vitality and Peace Through Emotional Release

Kate danced her entire life. At least, she did until chronic pain stopped her.

“I taught dance for over 25 years. I was very mobile and active. All of a sudden, about three years ago, I developed chronic pain that was holding me back from teaching the way I used to and from being active in general,” she says.

The pain was in her heel, lower back, and shoulder, and it was stubborn, says Kate. “I tried everything you can think of to ease the pain. I tried stretching, staying active with light walking, acupuncture, Reiki — nothing was working. I even went to an orthopedic doctor to learn exercises that might help. But nothing made it better.”

Called to Healing

Like many people, Kate experienced the unexpected in the spring of 2020. The economic struggle caused by the pandemic led to her being laid off from work. “I decided that it would be a good time to focus on my health and figure things out. So, I decided to go to Valeo and get adjusted by Dr. Aaron to see if it helped any of my pain.”

Kate did not know that the decision to go in to see Dr. Aaron that day would change her life.

Looking back, Kate describes how a feeling led to what eventually gave her relief. “I had paid for my appointment with Dr. Aaron and was on my way out of Valeo when I saw the sign on the door about massage. I don’t know what it was, but without thinking, I turned around and scheduled an appointment with Michelle. It was like something took over for me and made me do it.”

A Different Kind of Massage

Of course, Kate went into her appointment with Michelle expecting a traditional massage. After all, most people’s understanding of massage is based on the stereotypical methods offered at spas. But Kate was in for a surprise!

“At my first appointment, after talking about my issues and goals, Michelle did myofascial release. I cried like a baby when she worked on my heel! It was completely unexpected, but there was so much emotion stuck there. It was one of the most amazing experiences I’ve had … all of these emotions came up and people’s faces flashed through my mind … it was like nothing I had experienced before. I went home and slept like a baby that night, and the next day my foot felt a lot better! I felt I finally had found someone who could help me.”

Transformation with the Emotion Code

In most of Kate’s following appointments, she worked with Michelle to continue the progress of releasing the trapped emotions from her body. Michelle did this using a technique called the Emotion Code. Kate explains, “I didn’t know what the Emotion Code was but I was up for anything! When we started using that technique, I began to notice huge changes.”

Not only had Kate been dealing with chronic pain prior to her appointments, but she was also experiencing adult acne. “Breaking out was embarrassing, I hated it,” she says. “But I went to see Michelle once a week for six weeks and we released emotion after emotion and things were just improving one after the next! My skin started to clear up, my color improved, I was sleeping better and waking up refreshed, and the chronic pain in my heel and lower back was finally gone!”

Even those results alone seemed too good to be true, but they didn’t stop there.

Kate was experiencing improvements she never could have expected. “All of my food allergies went away! Before, I was reacting to anything I put in my mouth. I couldn’t tolerate so many foods: wheat, dairy, yeast, eggs, and lots of others. Now I eat eggs every day for breakfast. I just never thought that would happen. And on top of that, I’ve lost 15 pounds without even trying. It’s been coming off about one to two pounds each week. It just blows my mind!”

Kate’s incredible improvements still kept coming.

“For a long time, I had a very difficult relationship with my mom. But I noticed that after I started doing the Emotion Code with Michelle, our relationship started to improve. We are getting along better. It’s like the way I function has changed, and that’s helped us to connect. I’ve noticed that in general, my mind is so much clearer. I’m not overthinking things … I’m calm. I approach things differently, even small tasks around my house like doing dishes. It’s less of a chore and more like acting out my gratitude and thankfulness for having these things that need to be taken care of.”

What Does Emotion Code Feel Like?

It is hard to fathom how Kate experienced so many results in such a short period of time. How could she be experiencing such a drastic decrease in pain, skin problems, and food sensitivities and such an increase in gratitude, calmness, and in her relationships? It would be easy to assume that something that had such big results would be intense, maybe even painful. But that’s not the experience Kate has had with myofascial release and Emotion Code at all.

“Emotion Code is actually very relaxing,” says Kate. “Sometimes, when an emotion is brought up, especially if your body wants to know at what age it was trapped, a quick memory will flash to your mind, and then it’s just a comfort knowing that the body released it and that it doesn’t have to define you anymore.” Kate adds that the effects of a session linger for a little while. “I sleep really hard the nights I see Michelle for Emotion Code. Sometimes, there are a couple days after that I feel a little a deep calm and contentment. This whole process made me aware of how many triggers I had and how I was letting things upset and worry me. Now I can take it in, absorb it, and process it in a healthier way.”

With all of the results she’s experienced, Kate is now a firm believer in the Emotion Code. “It has expanded my horizons and my interests so much. It’s given me a new passion for learning and exploring. I love it so much that I am in the process of getting certified myself,” she exclaims.

Kate is incredibly happy with how her life has changed. “It’s just awesome that this can be done at any age,” she says. “I’m 44, and I’m so thankful that I had that moment of divine intervention that led me to see Michelle. I really cannot thank Michelle enough!”

Picture of Michelle McKusick

Michelle McKusick

Michelle graduated from Center Point Massage and Shiatsu School and Clinic from the massage therapy program with a determination to help others. She studied myofascial release under John F. Barnes, is certified in manual lymphatic drainage, and is a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner. She has worked with the Minnesota Gopher Football Team and runners from the Twin Cities Marathon.