Reaching a New Level of Health

“Health is like an onion,” says Rhoda, “there’s different layers and levels.”

When Rhoda started care at Valeo, she was dealing with some issues that were keeping her from reaching a higher level of health. She had hip pain and, although she is a very intelligent individual, there was something she could tell just wasn’t quite working with her brain.

“It was like my brain was coming apart. I’m a mom of two young kids, whom I homeschool, and I just couldn’t keep track of things… I couldn’t remember what I was doing five minutes prior and I had a hard time with following through with things, despite taking a supplement I had found that was supposed to help with mental acuity,” Rhoda explains.

Finding a Place of Healing

Luckily, Rhoda’s best friend was a patient at Valeo and told Rhoda about her experience.

“I’ve always liked wellness more than traditional medicine (which focuses on sickness), so I trusted her! Since my family had recently moved closer to Eden Prairie, we were looking for a new chiropractor in the area. I figured bringing my kids in for Kids Day chiropractic care would be a good, low-investment way to get to know Valeo, since it was only about $25 per kid. It was clear within the first few visits that we could trust the doctors here!”

When Rhoda brought the kids in for chiropractic, she noticed that Valeo also offered massage.

“The hip pain I’d been experiencing wouldn’t go away, despite everything I had tried. I have a background in dance and Pilates, so I have a strong understanding of anatomy. Still, I couldn’t figure out how to make the pain go away,” shares Rhoda. “I decided to try massage with Michelle, and wow! Michelle is excellent with myofascial work! She blew me away with her ability to read my body and know what it needs. When I told her about my hip, I was surprised because she started working on my toes… but she figured out that the problem was starting in my toes. Two of my toes weren’t ‘activating’ correctly, and I was relying too much on my right side and it had traveled up to my hip. I love that Michelle looked for the root cause rather than just addressing the symptom.”

Adding Supplements for Faster Healing

Rhoda was seeing improvement with her hip through massage but had a feeling like there was something out there that could help expedite her healing.

“After three or four massages, I noticed Max B was on sale and really felt like God was telling me to try it. I had read about Dr. Rob’s experience with Max B and decided to try it when it was on sale. The first week, I could tell it stimulated my liver, helping things flow and improving my detoxification – a sign it was working! That’s when I called in to say I love it!” Rhoda exclaims. “Between the massages and the Max B, the pain in my hip started going away. It really hit me how much it improved when I realized I could sleep through night without hip pain waking me up.”

The Difference is Like Night and Day

Several months after starting Max B and massage, Rhoda says the before and after “are like night and day.”

“Even when I’m exhausted, my brain still works. I can remember things; I can recall things… I feel like I’m myself again!” Rhoda says, excitedly. “I have high coordination skills and do a good job multitasking again. There’s been big improvements in my mental stamina, my hip pain, my mood… all of it!”

Rhoda shares that her improved mood has also allowed for continued improvement in her health since she’s no longer stuck in a cycle of asking, “what’s wrong with me?”

“Taking Max B broke the ‘holding pattern’ for me; it helped my body to move out what needed to be moved to allow me to truly start healing.”

Sharing About Valeo

Rhoda says that if she could share some words of wisdom with those struggling with their health, it would be, “you’re in good hands at Valeo!”

“The doctors take time to listen to you,” she explains. “You’re not just another patient or a number to them. They take the time to get to know you and offer care from the heart; and you can tell from the moment you walk in that they are God-centered – it doesn’t feel like this is Voo-doo masking itself as natural wellness. Both with Dr. Jon and Michelle (the two practitioners I’ve experienced at Valeo) I can just tell that their knowledge is from the Lord!”

“It has been awesome to find a place that is Christ-centered where our whole self is safe and cared for, and our whole family is welcome.”

Making the Move

If you or someone you know is stuck in their health, please give Valeo a call at 952-949-0676. Our vision is to provide hope and healing to those who have lost hope. If that describes you or your loved one, we’re here for you.

Picture of Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller is a former health and wellness coach and avid health-seeker. She graduated from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy and has a master's degree in communication studies. Elizabeth's passion for wellness evolved from her own past struggle with autoimmune disease, which she now is able to manage through diet and lifestyle.