Functional Toxicology

Never Underestimate The Power of the Drop

In last month’s video, “It’s Electric,” I explained how our bodies function at the energetic level and gave an overview of some of the causes of dysfunction and disease.

This month, I want to explain how I find the underlying cause to dysfunction and disease and how we help improve your function and health.

A Note About Toxins

Toxins are everywhere these days. Most toxins are man-made chemicals, and are found in things we eat, drink, breathe, or rub on our skin. Think of toxins as poisons. They don’t belong in our bodies!

Obviously, the fewer toxins and pollutants we’re exposed to, the better. Fewer toxins mean better energy, decreased symptoms, lower risk of disease, and increased vitality to do the things we love to do.

How Do You Know?

How would you know if you had specific toxins in your body? And if you did know the specific toxins, how would you know where they were inside your body? And if you knew which toxins you had and where they were located, how would you go about getting them out of your body?

My method of Functional Toxicology allows me to LOCATE and REMOVE the toxins. This involves using a form of accurate reflex testing that assesses the body’s response to various test filters. I use test filters that contain the energetic frequency (see “It’s Electric” video) of specific toxins from the following categories:

  • Mercurial’s (Methyl mercury, dental amalgam, thimerosal, etc)
  • Heavy Metals (Lead, cadmium, aluminum, etc)
  • Xenobiotics (Pesticides/Herbicides, Solvents, Industrial pollutants, personal care products, etc)
  • Radiation (X-ray, ionizing radiation, radon, etc)
  • Iatrogenic (Antibiotics, vaccinations, pharmaceuticals, etc)
  • Electromagnetic Frequencies (Cell phones, Computers, Fluorescent lights, etc)
  • Fungus/Molds (Candida species, black molds, ringworm, etc)
  • Parasites (Blastocystis, Giardia, Worms, etc)
  • Bacteria (Lyme, Strep, Staph, etc)
  • Virus (Colds/Flu, Herpes family, Respiratory and Digestive virus’, etc)
  • Other (Food allergies, dental problems, etc)

This testing provides the information needed to create very specific homeopathic remedies, which target the release and removal of the patient’s toxins. Additionally, I use test filters to find and support their most distressed organs and tissues.

The Functional Toxicology Approach

The primary characteristics that make this toxicology approach superior to other methods you may encounter are:

  • Prioritization (The testing reveals the body’s highest priority needs each time)
  • Specific (Accurately identifies WHAT toxic agents are affecting WHICH specific organ/tissues!)
  • Safe (Proper support of organs, systems and elimination pathways)

Here is the key thing to note and remember: No doctor ever healed anyone of anything! God put healing inside our bodies and we can’t add anything to God’s design.

However, if an accumulation of toxins or infections is interfering with the healing ability of the body, the health of that body will slowly spiral downward. This is where Functional Toxicology comes in. We gently remove the interference(s) to healing so the body can function the way God designed it to function.

Over time, health is restored and God gets all the glory!

Picture of Rob Lindsey

Rob Lindsey

Dr. Rob Lindsey is a doctor of chiropractic and master of sports medicine. Dr. Lindsey utilizes Brain-Based Therapy, functional blood chemistry analysis, and Neuro Emotional Integration to get to the root cause of patients’ symptoms and get them back on the road to health.