Regaining Energy, Eliminating Acne, and Restoring Hormonal Balance

Elisa had heard about Valeo through several friends, but it wasn’t until she was dealing with extreme fatigue in the summer of 2022 that she decided to see for herself what all the praise was about. She started with a free phone consultation with Dr. Kassie to determine whether Dr. Kassie’s care would be a good fit for the symptoms she was experiencing.

“She seemed super knowledgeable,” says Elisa. “I had a good feeling that she would be able to help me, so I scheduled an exam. When I met her in person, I told her more in depth about how I was feeling. She said she had some thoughts but wanted to do the labs to make sure.”

We refer to this as the ‘test, don’t guess’ approach.

Gaining an In-depth Understanding

After Elisa completed her labs, it was time to see Dr. Kassie to go over the results.

“My labs were like 20 pages long!” Elisa exclaimed.

Seeing such a long report could be overwhelming, but luckily, Dr. Kassie comes alongside patients to help them parse through all the information.

“I was shocked at how thorough Dr. Kassie was in explaining everything in those pages. She took her time with me; I didn’t feel rushed at all. I’ve never had a doctor give me so much information.”

Going over the lab results really helped to ease Elisa’s mind. “Dr. Kassie’s review of my labs helped make me feel like I wasn’t crazy for how I was feeling,” shares Elisa, who continued to express how impressed she was with Dr. Kassie’s demeanor and knowledge.

“She took the time to show me how it all made sense, based on the patterns she was seeing. The whole experience was amazing! It was huge for me how thorough she is in her explanation and how she educates you as you’re getting results. When I left, I felt like every person needs to do this to understand their body more! It was almost like an in-depth biology course, tailored to your personal health,” tells Elisa, continuing, “I was diagnosed in high school with PCOS, so the doctor recommended hormonal birth control. But it wasn’t until my appointment with Dr. Kassie and her explanations that I actually understood PCOS better and was told how my lifestyle and diet can influence it.”

Seeing the Changes

“Dr. Kassie has given me so many things I can do to improve my condition. She’s been super helpful!,” says Elisa.

“Since implementing some of her recommendations, I’ve noticed several improvements. First, my skin is SO clear. I’ve always had a little bit of acne but now my skin is glowing! Second, I used to have to take a nap every day after work. I don’t know how I survived. Over summer break (I’m a teacher), I would wake up late, eat, and then felt like I needed to take a nap. It was concerning. Now, my energy level is more stable and I don’t need to take naps all the time. Lastly, I was noticing hair loss before and I’m not noticing as much.”

One thing that sets Dr. Kassie apart from most doctors is how available she is to her patients via email, which Elisa thought was neat. “It’s so cool that she maintains contact with you and doesn’t leave you to fend for yourself! In her emails, she’s thorough, always giving a well-thought-out response. She’s super helpful when you need to reach her!”

Overall Impressions

Elisa had nothing but wonderful things to say about her experience at Valeo, both with Dr. Kassie and with Dr. Jon, who she saw for some muscle, back, and migraine issues. “I love how the doctors truly care about you and want to see you get better,” she says. “I also really like how Dr. Jon prays over you.”

In all, Elisa now has a firsthand understanding of why her friends recommended Valeo and has joined the club in recommending us to others!

To schedule a functional medicine, chiropractic, or advanced body work appointment with us, call our front desk at 952-949-0676.

Picture of Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller is a former health and wellness coach and avid health-seeker. She graduated from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy and has a master's degree in communication studies. Elizabeth's passion for wellness evolved from her own past struggle with autoimmune disease, which she now is able to manage through diet and lifestyle.