Are You Ready to Walk?

Autumn Walk

October is one of my favorite months. The crisp air feels refreshing after several months of Minnesota’s hot and humid weather, the excitement of upcoming holidays begins to bubble, and all things apple and pumpkin spice become socially acceptable again. (We will leave the debate for which is better for another time!)

One thing that seems to happen every October, though, is that physical activity starts to dwindle. Sure, the crisp air feels great walking from my car to the office, but that crisp air turns chilling quickly after work hours as the sunsets quickly steal the daylight hours away. Without the warmth and sunlight, it’s easier to forego that evening walk and opt for an evening curled up with a book or movie instead.

Motivation Inertia

If you’ve ever taken a science class or gone for a run, you know that once something is stopped, it’s harder to get it moving again than if you had just kept it moving in the first place! Have you ever noticed how a couple days off from your workout routine quickly turns into a couple more days, and all of a sudden it’s been a couple WEEKS? Inertia isn’t just a physical phenomenon, it can be mental, too! October can be a pivotal time for many people to keep their physical activity going strong so it doesn’t fizzle out just in time for the one-two hit of back-to-back holidays and the treats that come along with them. Keeping your exercise routine up to par can even give you the boost you need to make healthier food choices around the holidays.

Join Our “Walk-tober” Challenge

We want to help you stay active leading up to the holidays, so we’ve put together a Walk-tober Challenge. It’s generally recommended to get in 10,000 steps (the equivalent of 5 miles) per day. We challenge YOU to meet that goal 5 days a week for the month of October, equaling 200,000 steps (100 miles) by October 31st.* By meeting the goal, you’ll receive $20 in Valeo Bucks and be entered to win a $100 gift card to TC Running. Download the Walktober calendar here and start tracking! Completed calendars are due on October 31st to be entered. You may drop them off in person or email your completed calendar to

*We recognize not everyone enjoys walking, so you can also accumulate 2,000 minutes of exercise in October to be eligibile.

Picture of Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller is a former health and wellness coach and avid health-seeker. She graduated from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy and has a master's degree in communication studies. Elizabeth's passion for wellness evolved from her own past struggle with autoimmune disease, which she now is able to manage through diet and lifestyle.