How Valeo Staff Falls Into Routine

Open Bible With Journal and Coffee

[Updated 8/2023: Some of the below individuals no longer work at Valeo; however, we still hope their routines can inspire you!]

At Valeo, we think that a healthy diet and lifestyle are pivotal to overall health. Being intentional about what you eat, how you move, the way you spend your time … it all makes a big impact on how you feel day in and day out.

We also think that it’s important that our staff practice what we preach. If you’re looking for healthful practices to add to your fall routine, we hope that the following actions our own staff practice can help inspire you!

Dr. Aaron Morland

Dr. Aaron has his routine down to a scheduled art. You probably haven’t met someone who is better at prioritizing and scheduling out their days! 

“I think one of the biggest reasons for my success in healthy living is scheduling my daily routine. I schedule all my workouts for the week ahead of time. I never try to just ‘fit it in.’ This can be difficult at times because other things will come up that are important, but I don’t let them interfere with my scheduled workout. 

I get up early in the morning to make a healthy breakfast, lunch, and supper. I wake up at a scheduled time, which allows me the time to make healthy food. This requires going to bed at a regular time otherwise I may want to sleep past my scheduled wake up time. 

 The common theme is to follow a schedule and stick to it!”

Dr. Jon Toftoy

If you know Dr. Jon, you won’t be surprised that part of his healthy routine is intense exercise! Here are the details of what Dr. Jon makes sure he is incorporating into his life on a regular basis:

“Every morning, I prioritize some quiet time. I try to wake up early to enjoy coffee with time spent reading the Bible. I ensure there is enough time for prayer and listening to God as I prepare for the day. Physically, I’ve also found that I need intense exercise. If I don’t work up a sweat for a couple of days, the rest of my life becomes very unbalanced. The exercise ensures stress does not creep in and prevents me from being short or easily agitated with those I care about the most. 

The intense exercise goes hand in hand with my routine for diet, too. I am very conscious about what and when I put anything into my body. I have found it is the number one way to change how our body feels and how it works. Making sure I drink enough water and eat real food is part of my daily routine.

Sleep is another important aspect of my health routine. I have never had trouble sleeping but I sometimes don’t sleep enough. If I’m behind, it becomes a priority to catch up on sleep and I try to not set an alarm at least one day each week.”

Michelle M.

Michelle’s routine includes taking care of herself physically, nutritionally, and emotionally. 

“I use work for my physical conditioning, and in the fall, I also get in routine movement with harvesting my garden and stacking cords of firewood. In terms of a routine with nutrition, we routinely eat nutritious meals made from homegrown food; it is rewarding to enjoy the bounty from the garden that I’ve put my physical work, sweat, and tears into! I also regularly take supplements.

And, of course, checking in emotionally is a big part of my routine! I routinely ask ‘why’ is this triggering me? What is at the root of this emotion? Have I felt like this before? I’m trying to grow and be in control of how I feel and not be in a state of reaction.”


This fall will look different for Elizabeth as she transitions into life with a newborn, but her routine typically consists of making sure she’s moving, eating well, and connecting with God.

“I aim to start my day off with a devotional or some time in prayer, followed by a healthy breakfast (and supplements) before leaving for work. Most of my job is sedentary, but I aim to drink around 80-100 ounces of water each day, first to stay hydrated, but also so I am forced to get up and move around (aka go to the bathroom) throughout the day! 

Once I get home, I prioritize getting in a workout or a long walk. After that, my husband and I make dinner together, always aiming to include high-quality protein and organic vegetables. Then, as often as I can, it’s lights out by 9:30/10:00 p.m. to make sure I get a full eight hours of sleep!”

[Updated 8/2023:]

“Now that I have an early-bird one-year-old, I start the day around 5am! I am to have a protein-packed breakfast and then head out for a family walk before my husband heads off to work so that we can both make sure we get movement into our day.

I typically aim to eat a nutritious salad for lunch, and still aim to drink around 100 ounces of water each day. Since my days start earlier, bedtime has also been moved up to around 9:00 so I can still have the energy to run after a toddler all day!”


Karli has created two solid routines that emphasize physical health and emotional/relationship health.

“There are two things that I find essential in my health routine. The first is always making time to work out or spend time being active outside. I notice a huge boost in my energy, mental health, and gut health when I include this in my weekly routine.

The second thing my husband and I both do for our emotional and relational health is have a weekly date. We have found this to be a time we really treasure every week, and it helps keep us centered on our marriage. “

Michelle S. 

Michelle stays busy with her healthy routine, getting in time to grow in the Spirit, move, and work on her health goals.

“A must for me is reading the Bible and having an active prayer life. It’s a daily habit that keeps me grounded in God’s truth and attentive to His voice. Beyond that, I also attend Pure Barre 4 – 5 times a week, walk our dog Milly, and play with my kids! Being on the move so much, I also make sure to do my best to eat a diet that supports my body’s needs alongside seeing the practitioners here at Valeo to work toward my health goals.

Of course, I also go to bed at a decent time and keep tabs on my social media usage. These are great habits to have and there’s the added bonus of setting that good example for the kids.

Lastly, I spend time with people I love!! It’s so good for the soul!”


Callie’s healthy routine is also well-rounded, covering several areas of her life.

“One of the big things I do is make sure I am getting an appropriate amount of sleep. I know that makes a big impact on how I feel. Once I’m up for the day, I aim to drink one gallon of water daily. I will add Valeo’s pink salt or Celtic salt to a few glasses of water to promote absorption and alkalization. It’s incredible what good sleep and hydration can do!

Also, if I am feeling overwhelmed or anxious, I put my phone away and have quiet time with my Bible or devotional, and take time to pray, journal, and organize my thoughts.

One of the other important things I do is purposefully try to avoid foods that I know will make me feel icky/sick. I know that might sound simple, but you’d be surprised how many people out there will eat something even though they know it leaves them feeling sluggish or gives them a stomachache!” 


When you see Kathy at the front desk, you’ll notice her water bottle is never far out of reach – her routine makes sure of it!

“An important part of my healthy routine is making sure I’m drinking plenty of water to help keep hydrated. Getting enough water helps flush toxins out of the body, so I aim to drink at least half my body weight in ounces of water each day. 

Another approach I take in my healthy routine is using food as medicine. What you put in your body will support how your body feels, so making sure you choose high-quality ‘fuel’ is going to help you meet your health goals! 

Something that isn’t necessarily a routine itself but that persuades the routines that I choose is knowing that you are your best advocate for your health. I know that I need to be in tune with my health, make decisions that support it, and work with the right kind of practitioners to help guide me if something seems off course.”

What Are Your Healthy Routines?

If you don’t yet have healthy routines that you incorporate into your day, it isn’t too late to start! Creating routines, no matter how simple, can help to solidify healthy habits into your day. Maybe it’s drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, or prioritizing time to de-stress. Take into consideration where you feel your life needs more balance and work on implementing one routine or habit at a time.

Picture of Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller is a former health and wellness coach and avid health-seeker. She graduated from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy and has a master's degree in communication studies. Elizabeth's passion for wellness evolved from her own past struggle with autoimmune disease, which she now is able to manage through diet and lifestyle.