Uncovering the Root Cause of Your Migraines and Headaches

man with headache

Have you experienced a headache that just won’t quit? It can be puzzling to figure out why you are experiencing this pain, simply because there are many root causes for headaches and migraines.

Headaches From Arsenic

Recently, a 40-something-year-old female came to see me, presenting with an awful headache that started one day earlier and was not letting up. Using functional toxicology testing, I discovered that she had accumulated arsenic in the blood vessels that supply her brain. We talked about if there was anything unique or different she had eaten before the headache started, and she said she had bought a brand name flavored sparkling water and had drank one can of it earlier that day. We decided to test the sparkling water and, lo and behold, it tested positive for arsenic. We were able to pinpoint something that was contributing to her problem that likely would have gone unnoticed had she not been tested!

Headaches and Digestive Issues From H. Pylori and Aspartame 

Not long after that patient encounter, a 25-year-old man presented with headaches and insomnia, as well as a long history of digestive dysfunction, specifically with horrible acid reflux and bloating. Using functional toxicology testing, I found that he had a bacterial infection in his stomach known as H. pylori.  H. pylori is the number one cause of gastric ulcers and commonly causes acid reflux. Most commonly, the acid reflux is treated with antacids, such as TUMS or Prilosec. This patient had been taking TUMS for several years and it seemed to help with the acid reflux, but his other symptoms kept worsening. We started working on his H. pylori infection last month and his stomach complaints were 60% improved, however his insomnia and headaches were not changing. 

As I continued to test him for hidden toxins and infections, I found aspartame affecting the sleep centers of his brain. Aspartame is a neurotoxin that is found in lots of foods and drinks, but he was adamant that he was eating very clean. As we were ending the appointment he asked me if Aspartame could be in the TUMS. He then came clean with me and told me that he had continued to take TUMS occasionally because he was anxious about the digestive challenges returning if he didn’t take them. He had the TUMS with him, and we were able to test and discover that it was full of aspartame.  

Your Health Problems Are Unique to You

The point of this blog is let you know that there is never just one cause for any health challenge, whether it’s a migraine or any other kind of headache. Each health challenge is unique to each individual because there are so many variables in each person’s life. Our God-given bodily systems are constantly on the job working to remove toxins and infections, but sometimes our body gets overwhelmed by the things we are exposed to. We are each a product of everything that we have been exposed to from birth until now. 

Use Functional Toxicology to Find the Cause of Your Headaches

As a matter of fact, 10 different people with the same diagnosis and set of symptoms could have 10 different root causes. Two of those people could have headaches from subluxations in the spine, two from chemical exposures, three from bacterial or parasitic infections, one from viral infections, one from harmful EMF exposure, and two from a combination of all of these. This is why a one-size-fits-all approach using medication rarely works, and it’s why we use functional toxicology testing where we are able to test each individual for a wide variety of chemicals, infections, etc., and address each contributing factor.

If you are experiencing a health issue that is not improving, or is even getting worse despite medication, we encourage you to come in for functional toxicology testing. This month (December), new patient exams are 50% off. You can schedule your appointment at 952-949-0676. God bless!

Picture of Rob Lindsey

Rob Lindsey

Dr. Rob Lindsey is a doctor of chiropractic and master of sports medicine. Dr. Lindsey utilizes Brain-Based Therapy, functional blood chemistry analysis, and Neuro Emotional Integration to get to the root cause of patients’ symptoms and get them back on the road to health.