Autoimmune, Thyroid, and Pain Disorders​

Autoimmune Conditions

An autoimmune condition is simply any condition where your immune system is attacking a tissue, organ, muscle or joint in your body. That’s it. The diagnosis does not tell you why your body is attacking itself, just that it is. Unfortunately, the vast majority of treatments out there only manage your symptoms or they suppress your immune system. For some people the treatment helps them feel better … but for many, it either brings short-term relief or no relief at all (plus undesirable side effects).

Getting rid of your symptoms can trick you into thinking that everything is better but your body continues to attack itself. Because the underlying cause is not addressed, the problem is still there and your symptoms continue to ebb and flow. You are now on the roller coaster of feeling worse, going in and getting your meds adjusted, and then feeling better until the next flare up.

Suppressing your immune system is not the answer.

In order for your body to stave off disease the immune system needs to be functioning at a high level. Suppressing your immune system may alleviate some symptoms but at the same time it opens the door for more problems down the road. A weak immune system means you will be more prone to infections and even certain cancers. Just listen to the drug ads and you will hear all the side effects. You really are trading one condition for a different one many times.

The key to addressing an autoimmune condition then is not just diagnosing it but finding out what is causing it. That is why we are here. Getting to the root cause is what we do.

Thyroid Conditions

Did you know that the thyroid gland is the only gland that influences every cell in your body? Every cell has a thyroid receptor. No wonder there are so many symptoms associated with thyroid conditions! So, when we look at the bigger picture, we see that if you can find what caused the thyroid to become dysfunctional and resolve it, then you have the ability to be well!

Put another way, regardless of what you have tried or been told before; there is hope for your thyroid condition!

People often believe that they have a thyroid condition only to be told their labs are “normal” and doctors can’t find a cause for their sickness. You should never be left without an answer or left to find one yourself. The few individuals that have labs that come back with a detectable thyroid issue are usually put on medication for the duration of their life. We know that neither of these situations are desirable. Instead, we want to come alongside you to work as a team to help solve your thyroid condition by addressing the root cause.

In the vast majority of cases, roughly 90%, a hypothyroid (low functioning thyroid) condition is the result of the body attacking itself (autoimmune condition). This means that your thyroid is the victim, not the cause of your problems. Treating the thyroid at best will result in only temporary relief. You must treat the immune system and find out what caused it to do what it was not designed to do.

By doing this, we can feel confident in saying that everyone has the ability to be well!


Fibromyalgia has been called a disease of exclusion, meaning everything else was ruled out and they don’t know what you have. Fibro means connective tissue, myo means muscle, and algia means pain. So really, all that diagnosis is telling you is that you have pain in your muscle and connective tissue. You probably already knew that, so how does that diagnosis help?!

If you are suffering from fibromyalgia, you know the profound effects that it has on your life. The pain can be debilitating and cause you to plan your life around your flare-ups. What kind of life is that?

What is most frustrating with this condition is that most tests do not show anything wrong. Health providers start throwing out theories that it must be psychological or “all in your head.” The truth of the matter is fibromyalgia is a real physical problem, one that very few health providers can help with other than prescribe medications that act as a “bandaid” and can cause issues of their own.

There is a cause to your pain and it’s not all in your head!

The good news is that not only do we understand where you are now, but we can help guide you to where you want to go. We have seen many cases of fibromyalgia and while each patient is different, we have been successful in helping each one. By following our neurometabolic approach, we can help you regain control of your life by taking back your health.

Peripheral Neuropathy

When people hear the words “peripheral neuropathy,” most have no idea what this means.

Simply put, a peripheral neuropathy is anything that involves a nerve outside of the spine or brain. It can range from pain to numbness and anything in between.

A patient came in with shooting jaw pain and thought this would be lifelong. If you have ever had jaw pain, you know how unbearable it can be. Now imagine this for years. For this patient, an in-depth exam revealed what others had missed, a misaligned jaw, tightness under the jaw and of the jaw muscles inside the mouth, as well as faulty firing of the nerve. What this meant was that one type of treatment would never work. You had to address each component.

Unfortunately, a one-size-fits-all treatment is often performed on these nerve conditions. It is no wonder many end in failure and the patient is left desperate for relief! The truth is, many professionals aren’t truly aware of all that is involved in peripheral neuropathy. This is what drives the belief that surgery and drugs are two of the best solutions for these conditions. In many cases, the surgery doesn’t work and the medications only provide relief, not a solution.

By staying true to what we believe, that there is a cause to everything and that everyone can improve, we work hard to figure out what has caused your condition.

Chronic Fatigue

Being diagnosed with chronic fatigue really does very little to help you as the diagnosis really just states that you are tired all the time — which we are guessing you already knew.

The big question is why! By utilizing functional medicine, we have been able to help many people who had lost hope, including patients who had gone to leading medical doctors in the area and even the Mayo Clinic, and had been dismissed without any real answers.

Care Procedures

Our practitioners may use a variety of the following:

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